
The State of Israel managed to create a stable and strong economy within a few decades,
under conditions of security uncertainty while managing several wars that required
a general mobilization of reserves, while its population grew at a rapid
Israel’s economy stands out in its strength compared to its neighbors:
in 2013 Israel’s GDP stood at 290,551 billion dollars, 37th place in the world,
and the GDP per capita stood at 40,500 dollars per year (as of 2014),
Israel is also placed 19th in the Human Development Index.
According to the CBS income survey for 2010, the average gross monthly income
was NIS 14,385 per household, and NIS 4,323 per person. In 2006,
Israel was ranked 15th in the globalization index of the American journal
Foreign Policy. in the world.

The State of Israel has few minerals that are an important source and basis
for Israeli industry. Israel produces bromine, potassium, sulfur, phosphate
and natural gas from its soil, which was discovered in large quantities in
2009 off the coast of Haifa and Hadra, making Israel a supplier of natural gas.
These minerals provide infrastructure for the activity of many factories,
which form the backbone of industry in Israel, yet Israel is still very
dependent on foreign countries to provide it with metals and energy resources
– such as oil and coal. Due to the few minerals and its small area,
the economy of the State of Israel emphasizes the human factor:
knowledge-intensive industries such as high tech, medical technology
and military technology which are responsible for a considerable part of
industrial exports. Israel is the largest trade center in the world for
polished diamonds, and this industry is responsible for approximately 28% of
the total Israeli exports.


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